Zapier allows you to instantly connect Webhooks by Zapier with 2,000+ apps to automate your work and find productivity super powers without knowing PHP or Webhooks. Zapier knows API specifications of all of them, which makes it easy to connect those services.

Integration with Mailchimp through Zapier

  1. Registration

At first, you need to register at

2. Search app

Follow this link

to find the app, which you want to integrate with (in this instruction we chose Mailchimp)

3. Webhooks Search

Use the search bar (“Search apps”) to find “Webhooks by Zapier”

4. Select integration type

After you select two apps, you’ll get a list of available integrations at the bottom of the page. Select «Add MailChimp list subscribers from a webhook».

5. Authenticate integration

If everything is done correctly, you’ll see a window with instructions. Click on «Create this Zap» → «Continue» → «Continue».

6. Link to the hook

When you see «Pick A Sample To Set Up Your Zap», copy the link and go on with the integration in Marquiz app.

7. Quiz Setup

Go to “Integrations” → “Webhooks” and click on “Add hook+”. Paste the link here and save the quiz.

8. Send test parameters